Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!!

And so a year of documenting our life through photos and words has come to an end. What did I learn from it? For starters, I learned that even though I LOVE taking pictures - and even though it seems I am doing it constantly - there is nothing easy about attempting to capture "a photo a day" for an entire year. It just didn't come as natural as I thought it would. Sure there were many days where it just hit me, like a bolt of lightning, that I HAD to get a picture of something... that it was just a perfect description of that particular day. But then there were other days that were boring and mundane - days when that obvious snapshot alluded me. And there were even more days when life was just so busy that the thought of taking a picture never even crossed my mind.

All that being said, however, I also learned how important journaling is. I learned how valuable WORDS and WRITING are. What a blessing it has been to scroll back through this blog and read through the many events - both big and small - that happened over the course of a year. Many of which I would have quickly forgotten... we ALL would have forgotten. I hope that my family will enjoy reading about 2010 for years and years to come.

Lastly, I learned that pictures help us to remember emotions. It's easy to remember an activity or an event (at least sometimes it is), but when you look back through old pictures your mind and heart are flooded with the feelings tied to that particular event. Joy - Laughter - Heartache - Grief - Excitement - Anxiousness - Happiness - Contentment - Passion - Love... Emotions make the memories seem more alive - like they just happened - and I love that the photos I posted have helped me to feel those emotions all over again.

So, will I do this again? Will I charge myself with the task of journaling another year through "a photo a day"? Probably not. I WILL, however, continue to journal and blog and post pictures - just without the pressure of trying to do it every single day. Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Until next time...

Friday, December 31, 2010

spies like us...

The kids spent the day outside - most of which was decked out with spy gear. Cecily was the "undercover spy" - so she dressed in "street clothes" (at least this is how it was explained to me). Outside Day also included a picnic lunch with all four kids - completely made and packed up by Cecily... wish I had gotten a picture of that also!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

music city bowl...

Brock at the game - trying to get on TV by holding a sign that says,
"I watch ESPN with my daddy".

First time Colton has EVER worn Tennessee colors...
Look close - you may never see it again!

Colton, Brock, Cayce and Matt went to the Music City Bowl tonight... Tennessee vs. North Carolina. Club section, 1st row, 45-yard line. 46 degrees and windy.

North Carolina gets confused with 11 seconds left in game - clock runs out - Tennessee wins. Game over. Crowd goes wild, coaches shake hands, NC players start walking to locker room. But wait! Game NOT over?! Refs decide to review last play - put one second back on clock and NC gets one more chance. NC scores and game goes into overtime. Oh. My. Goodness.

Overtime: A whole other story and this blog is already way too long considering I am talking about a COLLEGE football game for two teams that I don't even care about. Long story short - North Carolina wins. Matt declares it the best football game he's ever been to! Colton talks about it for hours after he gets home.

movie time...

While Colton, Brock, Cayce and Matt were at the Music City Bowl, the rest of us hit the theater. Reece and Papa saw "Gulliver's Travels" (in 3D, of course); and Cecily, Kimbo, Nana and I saw "Tangled". It was a fun night for all.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

stealth cam...

Cayce got a "wildlife camera" for Christmas... it's something he's been wanting for a couple years now. It's a weather-proof camera that stays outside and takes pictures when triggered by motion. This picture was actually taken by the stealth cam as Cayce was setting it up...

Monday, December 27, 2010


Cayce catches some serious air during the hurdles race. No editing to this picture at all.

Colton and Harrison (who is basically my 5th child) race each other in the 100.

Reece and Maddox doing the hurdles race... look at that intensity!

Hurdles again and yes, I was so beat by a 7-year old!

Cayce and I gave all the kids the Kinect attachment for the XBox 360. It's a wireless, motion sensor so you actually compete in the video games by doing the actions yourself. Tonight, we did the track & field events (100 race, javelin throw, discus & hurdles) together as a family (plus a couple of friends). Wow! This is SOOOO cool!