Monday, May 3, 2010


The sun is out but the water is still around. This used to be a softball park... hopefully, it will be again one day soon!

How can I describe today as anything but beautiful?! Blue skies and ABUNDANT sunshine... and our family begins to get back to normal. Unfortunately for many others, "normal" is a long way off.

Many were still dealing with flooding - the rivers all crested this afternoon which brought even higher flood waters than yesterday. Downtown Nashville, for instance, is now under water... the Cumberland River crested tonight at 52 feet in Nashville, 7 feet above the "major flood stage". Opryland Hotel, Opry Mills, the Titan's Stadium, the Grand Ole' Opry, the Schermerhorn, Country Music Hall of Fame - just a few iconic venues that are all under water. Unbelievably, rescues are STILL underway all over Middle Tennessee. No school - anywhere. Restricted water usage (so safe water can be preserved). Roads still closed. MANY without power and/or water still today.

Thankfully the sun was out today. Abundant sunshine. The healing can begin... unfortunately the healing process may take years...

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