Thursday, December 23, 2010

friends for life...

Some dear friends visited us today! Pam and I have been friends since we were 14 years old. She moved to San Antonio our Freshman year of high school and we became fast friends. And despite the distance put between us over the last 22 years, our friendship only continues to grow stronger as the years move on.

Pam is the reason I attended ACU for college. She asked me to visit the school with her when we were juniors in high school. I had never heard of it before we went but I quickly I fell in love with the school and the people there. And then, after my dad and I went together for a 2nd visit, the deal was sealed. He loved it - I loved it. I went on to Abilene Christian while Pam went to Oklahoma Christian. ACU changed my life -- during my years there, I developed relationships with spiritual giants who quickly became spiritual mentors to me. I developed friendships with peers who encouraged me but also challenged me to live a life following the path God had set for me. At ACU, I also met and fell in love with my husband. I suppose, in a way, I have Pam to thank for all of that.

I truly believe that God brought this precious friendship into my life those many years ago for a reason. During our teenage years, we borrowed each other's clothes, complained about our parents' seemingly horrible rules, shared our secret crushes as well as our heartbreaks, cheered and danced our way through Pep Squad, sang our hearts out in chorus together... oh my goodness, the list could go on and on! Pam was the one who modeled kindness and acceptance toward everyone - not a trait found in most teenage girls - and what an impact it made on me.

As adults, she is still in San Antonio, along with her loving husband and four beautiful children, and I am, of course, in Tennessee. We only see each other about once a year, but yet she continues to influence my life in such amazing ways. Her humility always leaves me in awe. She is constantly positive - always looking for the good in situations and in people. I still have never heard her say a bad thing about anyone. She is an encourager. She loves her husband and her children so much - and the way she cares for and leads her family is an inspiration and example to me. Most importantly, she continues to model Christ in her words and actions - always striving to follow His will for her life.

I am so very grateful for the gift of our friendship... and someday, I hope to be like her.

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